VOCJ exchange

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In addition to copies being given to VOC members, the journal needs to be sent to a number of destinations each year.


The following libraries maintain a collection of VOCJs :

  • UBC Library
  • Vancouver Public Library
  • National Library of Canada

UBC Library

2 copies

The UBC Library maintains two separate collections of our journal. One of them is available in the journals division (Level 2 Koerner Library) and the other is in the Rare books and Special collections division (ground floor Irvin Library). The simplest thing to do mail both copies to

Serial Processing
Technical Services
Woodward Library, Floor 3 - Zone 3
2198 Health Science Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z3

It's a good idea to check the online catalogue a few days later to see if the journal has been properly entered into their catalogue.

National Library of Canada

2 copies

As a Canadian publisher, the VOC is legally obliged to provide two free copies of our publications to the National Library of Canada within two weeks of publication. This is called a Legal Deposit. Information about this and the appropriate forms are available here (pdf).

Title: Varsity Outdoor Club Journal
Issuing Body: University of British Columbia, Varsity Outdoor Club
Address:Room 3500 – 6133 University Blvd.
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z1
ISSN: 0524-5613
Frequency: Annual
Date of First Issue: 1958-
Numbering of the First Issue: 1-
Subscription Price: (see VOCJ back cover for unit price)
Print Run (# of copies): (see final printer quote submission for numbers; ask Journal Editor if not sure)
Is the publication free?: No
Contact Person: Current Archivist

Mailing Address:

Library and Archives Canada
Legal Deposit
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0N4

Vancouver Public Library

2 copies

It is in our interest to ensure that the UBC and Vancouver libraries have copies of the journal. This makes our journal available to a wider audience. In theory, these libraries normally pay for their acquisitions. It is therefore possible for us to collect some money from them. However, if enough motivation to do so is not available it is best to simply send complimentary copies to these libraries.

Mailing address:

 Vancouver Public Library - Serials Section
 350 West Georgia Street
 Vancouver, BC  V6B 6B1
 Phone : (604) 331-4026

Exchange with other clubs

We usually exchange journals with the ACC and the AAC. Again, this is a good idea since it not only makes our publication available to a wider audience but also provides a free copy of the ACC and AAC journals to the VOC library!

Alpine Club of Canada (ACC)

Since the VOC has close ties with the ACC, it is usually not very difficult to organize an exchange with them.

American Alpine Club (AAC)

The AAC library can be contacted at: [email protected]

Their address is:

 American Alpine Club Library
 710 10th Street
 Suite 15
 Golden, CO
 USA, 80401

which should be verified annually on their website: http://www.americanalpineclub.org/p/library or by contacting the above email.

Phone number: (303) 384-0112

Their book catalogue is available here: http://booksearch.americanalpineclub.org/


Depending on their request, copies of the VOCJ can be shipped to the VOCO at UBCO in Kelowna, BC at regular VOCJ price + shipping fees.


It would likely be possible and beneficial to pursue the possibility of exchanges with other clubs (New Zealand? UK?).


After emailing the annual VOC Grad News email towards the mid-march, a few alumni may want to procure a copy of the journal. Shipping and payment can be coordinated with them. Karl Richer from Whistler purchases 2 copies annually. His contact information can be viewed on the Hustler's Handbook.