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The Varsity Outdoor Club Journal Volume 58
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Koby Michaels
Journal Editor
Article Page Author(s) Index
A Note from the Presidents 6 Artem Babaian  
From the Editor 8 Koby Michaels
VOC Executive 10  
Hiking and Scrambling
Me Twin Sisters 16 Veronika Schmitt  
The Tusk 20 Koby Michaels  
Sunday Funday 22 Lianne McRadu  
Learning the Fun in Whacking 27 Caitlin Schneider  
Climbing and Mountaineering
The Bugaboos 38 Tobias Klenze  
Yosemite 41 Clemens Adolphs  
Good Times on Bad Rock 51 Dmitri Oguz  
Woo Rockies 54 Jake Jones  
Wasps are Jerks 62 Jeff Mottershead  
Trad Leading 68 Lea Zhecheva  
The Judge 71 Nicholas Gobin  
Churchill 77 Dmitri Oguz and Marcin Mirski  
The Smoke Bluffs 83 Koby Michaels  
On the North Coloir of Crown 87 Artem Babaian  
Ice Climbing 93 Koby Michaels  
Photo Competition
Skiing and Mountaineering
The 'Beginner' Phelix VOCyssey 108 Caroline Sutton  
Two and a Half VOC Huts 113 Cassandra Elphinstone, Isabel Verse, Tom Curran, and Roland Burton  
Backcountry Skiing 126 Genevieve Savard  
Unadulterated Type 1 Fun 134 Ian Johnston  
Total Eclipse of Brew Hut 137 Bill Shmygol, Sarah Taylor, Amanda Johnson, and Roland Burton  
Early Season Turns at All Costs 145 Elliott Skierszkan
Brew Smackdown 148 Jeff Mottershead
Sphinx Bay Turned Neve 154 Katie Moreland
Land and Water and Sky
Goatfest 2015 162 Alfred Larson  
Canyoning in Climbing Paradise 171 Artem Bylinskii  
Bike Touring in Kootenay 176 Ilia Capralov  
The Phenomenal Playground 183 Caitlin Schneider  
Cycling to Hornby Island 187 Jessica Mellage  
Thanksgiving, VOC Style 192 Hannah Jensen  
Team Bad Idea Expand Their Horizon 194 Artem Bylinskii  
Team Bad Idea Raft Against the Odds 196 Annika Lennarz and Christoph Schilling  
Mountain Biking Mount Fromme 201 Lea Zhecheva  
Club Life and Reflections
Something in the water 206 Dylan Heerema  
Cooking and Surviving in the Canadian Rockies 210 Caitlin Schneider  
Hiking up to Harrison Hut 213 Jessica Mellage  
Coliseum with Watermelons 216 Kevin Pierce  
50 Shades of Voile 219 Artem Bylinskii, Caitlin Schneider, and the VOC  
Winter Longhike 221 Christian Veenstra, Line Veenstra, and Fenya Veenstra  
The VOC Goes Dancing 223 Kasia Celler  
Footprints in the Sands of Time 226 Roland Burton  

58th Edition

This page was adopted from Kathrin Lang's 53rd Edition page.

The VOC publishes a work of literary genius every spring: The Annual VOC Journal. Share your passion for the outdoors and for the VOC - help put together the 58th edition of the VOCJ!

We're using an interactive Wiki page this year, just like ever year. This page is intended to help with the organization of the Journal to get it printed in time. See below for how you can contribute, deadlines, an article list with a trip report list (to avoid having multiple articles on the same trip), FAQs, and a style guide.

Main VOC journal page [1]

How can you contribute?

1. Submit an article.

About what? Write an article about a trip you did with the VOC. Or, write about a trip you did on your own, or it maybe not even about a particular trip. Write outdoor philosophies or ethics or just expressions of love for the mountains. Write an instruction guide for how to make some piece of gear you made at home this year, or if you're really into the history of some outdoor sport, write an article about it. Everything vaguely about non-motorized outdoor sports is welcome! Trip reports about work hikes are highly encouraged!

  • When?
    • February 1, 2016 - Deadline for all articles. No exceptions.
  • How? Send files to [email protected]. Include:
    • Submit a .doc or .docx file.
    • Submit no more than 5 photos via a dropbox folder link with full sized images (don't compress them or anything!).
    • You must also include your full name, the date of your trip and captions for the photos! This information should be included in the .doc file before the article you are submitting.

More detailed submission guidelines can be found here; see below for the style guide.

2. Submit a photo to the photo contest.

The journal will also feature the annual photo contest! The categories are club life, portrait, flora and fauna, landscape, action and miscellaneous.

You may submit photos by emailing [email protected] with the subject VOC PHOTO COMPETITION - YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME.

You must also include: 1) a dropbox link to your photo. 2) a photo caption (in the email). 3) Where and when the photo was taken!

  • A) Landscapes – Waterfalls, mountains, sunsets, etc. People are not the focus of the shot.
  • B) Action Shots – Photos of people outdoors and in action, usually climbing, skiing, or mountaineering.
  • C) Flora and fauna – Plants and animals only. A good place for macro's.
  • D) Club Activities – Parties, longhike, winter longhike, glacier school, and all other club activities.
  • E) Portraits – Portrait of a person. Preferably in an outdoor setting, and of someone in the club.
  • F) Misc – Anything that doesn't fit in the other categories.

3. Help with proofing, editing, and layout.

Edit articles for spelling, grammar, consistency. We'll need at least 2 edits per article! Edit photos: check resolution, convert colour to black and white if needed, etc. If you'd like to assist, sign up below! Also, contact Koby at [email protected].

For the Exec

We need two things from you in addition to what we need from everybody else.

A portrait-type picture of yourself. Some of you are really ugly and have trouble with this, but work on it. I have a studio in my office on the second floor. If you want a boring indoor photo that can be arranged. A summary of what it was like to be in your Exec Position for the past year. Any achievements? Problems? And remember: submitting an article to the VOCJ or assisting with editing/layout counts as a workhike!

Editing Team Sign-up

Sign up to help on this google doc! [2] We need editing help, converting photos to black and white, and selling ads!

VOCJ 56 Style sheet

  • The time of day should be written like this, 6:30am
  • use Canadian spelling (per Canadian Oxford Dictionary)
  • use series (Oxford) comma (i.e., bananas, apples, and oranges. NOT bananas, apples and oranges.)
  • use active voice whenever possible
  • avoid using "this" and "that" as pronouns rather than demonstrative adjectives
  • don't use emoticons and gratuitous exclamation points. If you do they will be unceremoniously eliminated
  • enclose dialogue in double quotation marks
  • enclose phrases or words that require definition within single quotation marks
  • words in languages other than English should be italicized.
  • give full names in the first mentions of any people in your article
  • give full names for the first mentions of any potentially unfamiliar acronyms
  • use single spaces after all punctuation
  • use two short dashes for dashes separating phrases; use one short dash for hyphenated words.
  • use metric units; or at least give a metric conversion to any imperial units you use
  • spell out numbers from one to ten; use numerals for everything else, and use a comma in figures with four or more digits. (e.g., 2,568). Exception: use numerals when using decimals, metric units (e.g., 400 m, 30 km), and percentages (e.g., 28 per cent—note that "per cent" is spelled out as two words)
  • it's "gaiters," kids—not "gators." Unless you're actually talking about alligators.
  • use "workhikes"--not "work hikes"