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The Varsity Outdoor Club Journal Volume 32
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<< VOCJ31 1989 VOCJ33 >>
Ken Legg 
Journal Editor
Article Page Author(s) Index
President's Message 2 Muriel Pacheco
Editor's Message 5 Ken Legg
VOC Excecutive 1989-90 6
Grad News 7
The Social Scene 8
Mount Sheer Triathlon 10 Craig Hollinger
Bicycling in the Gulf Islands 10 Marilyn Noort
Wahoo Tower the Easy Way 12 Jan Palaty
Scramble up Mt. Larrabee 15 Tom Baumann
The Wapta Icefields Ski Traverse 16 Ken Legg
Yosemite Valley 18 Eric Clemson
The Accident 33 Paul Kao
Mt. Alpha 36 Raul Thomas
Hiking Through the Bendor Range 38 Peter Stone
Two More in the Yukon 40 Nick Folkard
Brandywine 44 Raul Thomas
The Bugaboos - Mt. Sir Donald 46 Jeff Greenwood / Lisa Moody
Cathedral Lakes 52 Tom Baumann
From Sky to Sea 55 Jan Palaty
Two Days Near Mt. Gilbert 65 Craig Hollinger
Introduction to Index, Soiree at Smith 68 Paul Kao
Hiking the "Range of Light" 71 Saskia Acton
Brew to Brandywine - An Alcoholic Traverse 74 Nick Folkard
Rubble Bunny Awete 76 Andy Pacheco
FALL 1989
Longhike 80 Eric Nodwell
"The Camel" -- Crown Mtn. 83 John McCarter
Something Different on the North Shore 84 Rob Driscoll
Glacier School 85 Craig Hollinger
Waiting for Godot at the Bottom of a Crevasse 88 Steven Dods
The Road Trip is Half the Adventure 90 Fern Hietkamp
Smith Rocks -- Hot Times in the Shade 91 Eric Clemson