Summer Barbeques

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VOC Summer BBQ (June 2006)

When more than 5 people actually hear about it, these could potentially be pretty darn chill. Great place to have trip meetings, or talk about ideas and plans for the upcoming month. Don't forget to bring your own hamburgers, weiners, roastable veggies or whatever along. Someone usually brings a barbecue. (The Sunflower House currently has the VOC BBQ but no transport.) Frisbee, hacky sac, slack lines are also encouraged.

Where: Locarno beach, at the parking lot on the base of Tolmie st.

When: First Wednesday of May, June, July, August and September, 6:30ish

<googlemap lat="49.275113" lon="-123.211477" width="400" height="300" zoom="15" scale="yes" controls="medium"> (A)49.275113,-123.211477 VOC Summer BBQ </googlemap>