Online mapping/libcwms

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This WMS server is located at This query can be used to get an XML document of the available layers and capabilities. Bounding box is (-138.0, 47.0, -113.0, 60.0) in lat lon or (143183, 281901, 1918550, 1773050) in BC Albers.

List of available layers

Layer Name Contents Min Scale (1:x) Max Scale (1:x) Notes
TRIMOrthomosaic TRIM Orthomosaic 0 150000
TRIMOrthomosaicOverview TRIM Orthomosaic Overview 150000 10000000
BC_WATER_POLYS_5KM Rivers and Lakes (1:6M) 5000000 15000000
BC_BASEMAP_LINES_5KM_water Water - Lines (1:6M) 5000000 15000000
BC_BASEMAP_LINES_5KM_transport Transportation - Lines (1:6M) 5000000 15000000
BC_BASEMAP_LINES_5KM_boundary Provincial Boundary (1:6M) 5000000 15000000
BC_RIV_LAKE_WET_POLYS_500M Rivers, Lakes, Wetlands (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
BC_WATER_LINES_500M Water - Lines (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
BC_TRANSPORT_LINES_500M Transportation - Lines (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
BC_PROV_BOUNDARIES_LINES_500M Provincial Boundary (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
BC_MANMADE_LINES_500M Man-Made Features - Lines (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
BC_MAJOR_CITIES_POINTS_500M Major Cities (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
BC_WATER_POINTS_500M Water - Points (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
BC_TRANSPORT_POINTS_500M Transportation - Points (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
BC_SPOT_ELEVATION_POINTS_500M Spot Elevation - Points (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
BC_MANMADE_POINTS_500M Man-Made Features - Points (1:2M) 1000000 5000000
NTS_BC_COASTLINE_POLYS_125M BC Coastline - Polygons (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_RIV_LAKE_WET_POLYS_125M Rivers, Lakes, Wetlands (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_COASTLINE_LINES_125M BC Coastline - Lines (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_CONTOUR_LINES_125M Contours - Lines (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_LANDCOVER_LINES_125M Land Cover - Lines (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_LANDFORM_LINES_125M Land Form - Lines (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_MANMADE_LINES_125M Man-Made Features - Lines (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_TRANSPORT_LINES_125M Transportation - Lines (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_WATER_LINES_125M Water - Lines (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_MANMADE_POINTS_125M Man-Made Features - Points (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_TRANSPORT_POINTS_125M Transportation - Points (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_WATER_POINTS_125M Water - Points (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_LANDFORM_POINTS_125M Land Form - Points (1:250K) 80000 1000000
NTS_BC_ANNO Annotation (1:250K) 80000 1000000
TRIM_EBM_OCEAN Ocean - Polygons (1:20K) 0 80000
TRIM_EBM_WATERBODIES Water Bodies - Polygons (1:20K) 0 80000
TRIM_EBM_WATERCOURSES Water Courses - Polygons (1:20K) 0 80000
TRIM_EBM_WETLANDS Wetlands - Polygons (1:20K) 0 80000
TWTR_LINES Water - Lines (1:20K) 0 80000
TTRN_LINES Transportation - Lines (1:20K) 0 80000
TSRF_LINES Surface Features - Lines (1:20K) 0 80000
TMISC_LINES Miscellaneous Features - Lines (1:20K) 0 80000
TCVR_LINES Land Cover - Lines (1:20K) 0 80000 Green lines that show tree line boundary
TCVR_POINTS Land Cover - Points (1:20K) 0 80000
TCUL_LINES Cultural Features - Lines (1:20K) 0 80000 Ski lifts, power lines
TCTR_LINES Elevation - Lines (1:20K) 0 80000
TWTR_POINTS Water - Points (1:20K) 0 80000
TTRN_POINTS Transportation - Points (1:20K) 0 80000
TSRF_POINTS Surface Features - Points (1:20K) 0 80000
TMISC_POINTS Miscellaneous Features - Points (1:20K) 0 80000
TCUL_POINTS Cultural Features - Points (1:20K) 0 80000
TCTR_POINTS Elevation - Points (1:20K) 0 80000
WHSE_BASEMAPPING.TRIM_TEXT_ANNO Annotation (1:20K) 0 80000
TWTR_ANNO Water - Text (1:20K) 0 80000
TTRN_ANNO Transportation - Text (1:20K) 0 80000
TSRF_ANNO Surface Features - Text (1:20K) 0 80000 annotated surface features such as moraines with the word "MORAINE" on the map
TMISC_ANNO Miscellaneous Features - Text (1:20K) 0 80000
TCVR_ANNO Land Cover - Text (1:20K) 0 80000
TCUL_ANNO Cultural Features - Text (1:20K) 0 80000 Ski lift gravel pit, dump, etc.
TCTR_ANNO Elevation - Text (1:20K) 0 80000
FOREST_COVER Forest Cover 0 150000
BCGS_GRID BCGS Grid 0 500000 Shows grid of boundary lines for BCGS trim maps and text for map sheet numbers
NTS_GRID NTS Grid 500000 13000000
DBM_7H_MIL_BATHYMETRIC_POLY Bathymetric 3000000 35000000
DBM_7H_MIL_POLITICAL_POLY_BC British Columbia 3000000 35000000
DBM_7H_MIL_POLITICAL_POLY_PS Provinces and States 3000000 35000000
DBM_7H_MIL_PARK_POLY Federal Parks 3000000 35000000
DBM_7H_MIL_ROADS_LINE Major Roads 3000000 35000000
DBM_7H_MIL_DRAINAGE_POLY Drainage Polygons 3000000 35000000
DBM_7H_MIL_DRAINAGE_LINE Drainage Lines 3000000 35000000
DBM_7H_MIL_BOUNDARIES_LINE Boundary Lines 3000000 35000000
DBM_7H_MIL_POPULATION_POINT Major Cities 3000000 35000000

List of Available Projections

Note that this is the same projections available in openmaps except without EPSG:54004 (World Mercator)