Archive:2011 4 week Spring Ski Traverse

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Tim Blair, Evan Morris, Greta Raymont and Ben Singleton-Polster are planning a traverse of the Juneau Icefiled. This page is being used to help them plan logistics.

Next Meeting: Tuesday Apr 5 at Ben's

Travel Details

Weather in Juneau

National Weather Forecast
National Weather Service
Avalanche Forecast
Eagle Crest Ski area
mountain top weather for flattop mountain


  • April 30 to May 25 total of 26 days including travel

Travel Logistics

Juneau Icefield:

Option 1: Drive Evan's truck to Skagway. Catch ferry from Skagway to Juneau on Sun 24th 2.30pm arriving in Juneau at 9pm, $50pp. Approx. car costs $500pp Total travel cost approx. $600pp. Leave Ben's place at 5:30 or 6 April 30, 2011

  • Ben to bring
    • Inverter
  • Tim to bring
    • Ipod
  • Evan to bring
    • tape stereo adapter

Insurance Coverage

Copied from the Denali2011 trip, thanks guys! All, check if your current medical covers the USA.


Trip Dinners

1 food group: Each person plans 5 dinners for 4 people Dessert?? Ben = No (Too heavy..) 4 dinners 200g pp, 1 dinner 250g pp

Trip Breakfasts

No group breakfasts Are we doing cold breakfasts? Ben votes for a 4 hot breakfasts. - Evan agrees, we should decide on how many.

Travel Day

Leave Saturday April 30nd. 3 days of driving. Buying food on the road.


Group Gear

  • First Aid Kit (Ben's contains the following)
    • Friars Balsam
    • Micropore tape (blisters)
    • Tensor bandage (or elastocrepe)
    • Finger Bandage (10 of various sizes and shapes)
    • Non adherant dressing (2"x3"x3, 3"x4"x1)
    • Steri strips (12mmx100mmx12, 6mmx38mmx6, 3mmx75mmx5)
    • Jelonet (2x10cmx10cm)
    • Tegraderm (6cmx7cmx2, 9cmx10cmx1) (or Opsite)
    • Ibuprofen
    • Tylenol 3
    • Robaxacet
    • Benedryl
    • Triangular
    • Medical Insurance
  • Binding repair kit
    • Voile switchback (2xstandard rod, 2xcartridge, 1xheel, wire, pliers, screw driver (pozi3, flat head), extra cord to come from sleds if needed) - Ben
    • dynafiddles don't break so Tim gets off easy - Tim
  • Sat Phone (Confirmed rental through [1] April 29 to May 24)
  • SPOT (Tim's)
  • 2 X 30m ropes (Ben and Tim)
  • 2 stoves (Ben's Simmerlite and Evan or Greta's pump and Tim's whisperlite)
  • Stove repair kit (Ben)
  • Fuel, 125ml/per/day = 2.5L per person
  • sewing kit (Ben)
  • (Tim) Tent
  • (Evan and Greta) Tent
  • Kickwax (Tim)
  • (Ben) Globstopper
  • (Tim) Maps Ordered online
  • (Ben) Guidebook - photocopy relavent peaks
  • (Ben) GPS spare batteries
  • Compass (Tim & Ben)
  • (Ben) Altimeter
  • (Ben) Sat Phone with spare battery or car charger?
  • (Ben) Titanium 2L pot
  • (Tim) 3.5L stainless steel pot
  • () 2x windscreens
  • (Ben) 1x pot scrapers
  • (Ben) 1x spondonacles
  • (Ben) Water tablets

Repair kit

  • small roll duct tape (everyone to bring some)
  • 2' steel wire ( Ben will bring)
  • Pole repair kit (tim has)
  • (Ben) small multitool (What screwdrivers do we want?) - #3 pozi drive, Philips and a flathead
  • 1x G3 repair kit screws (Ben)
  • epoxy (Ben)
  • skin tip loop (Ben)
  • 2x extra voile binding wires (Ben)
  • 2x extra cartridges (Ben)
  • extra heel throw (Ben)
  • pole basket (Greta)
  • thermarest/down mat patch kit (Evan, Ben, Tim)
  • waist buckle (Tim)


  • Materials
    • Crazy carpets - Evan
    • Plastic Grommets - Tim
    • Ben is epoxying grommets
  • Finish sleds at Ben's place April 21st.

TO DO list

All - Figure out sled harness - Figure out sled bags - plan food (5 dinners for 4 ppl) and personal food (Costco trip?) - Fuel 3L pp - update wiki as we go

Greta - List first aid kit - Service stove (or was that bring stove)

Evan - List food internet resources - Service truck

Ben - List repair kit - Finish epoxy of

Tim - Go over the first aid list on the wiki - get maps - buy more gromets - Go over repair kit with Ben


General Phone Numbers

  • Mark Grist: 604-987-6336
  • Tyax Air (Dale): 1-888-892-9288
  • Mike King (Whitesaddle Air): 250-476-1182
  • CAA avalanche forcast : 1-800-667-1105
  • East side of traverse weather:
  • West side of traverse weather, Bella Coola:

Emergency Phone Numbers and Info

  • Tim
    • Tim's Mum (Jill): 604-929-0806
    • Mirella Mazur (Tim's Girlfriend): 604-971-1005
  • Ben
    • Allergic to Penicillin
    • Ben's Parents (Genevieve and Dave): 250-746-8052 or 250-701-1054
    • Frances Sharpe (Ben's Girlfriend): 778-868-8409
  • Evan
    • Evan's Mom (Dolores): 604-591-9579
    • Evan's Dad (Al): 778-773-5527
  • Greta
    • Greta's parents (Chris/Nev): +613-5367-3258

Trip Plan

Juneau Icefield - Juneau to Skagway

Spot Website

Juneau Entrance

Ferry leaves skagway Tue May 3 at 13:15, arrives Juneau at 20:45.

Taxis from ferry to start? Entrance Options:

1. Salmon Creek Road (~5km) to Salmon Cr Reservoir (steep stairs), ascend open slopes N of Dam to Blackerby Ridge.

2. End of Wire Street, Blackerby Ridge Trail:

Skagway Exit

Trails from Devil's Punch Bowl/Upper Dewey Lake Trail - end right at edge of town by ferry terminal.

Emergency Exit Options

Backup Plan




Personal Gear


  • Book (max 1 per person)
  • deck of cards - yes! (Evan)

Personal Clothing

  • 2 pairs skiing socks
  • 1 pair sleeping socks
  • 2 pairs skiing underwear
  • 1 pair sleeping underwear
  • 1 warm lower
  • 1 base lower (preferred light, to wear in the sun)
  • 1 shell lower
  • 1 warm upper
  • 1 base upper (preferred light, high collar, to wear in the sun)
  • 1 shell upper
  • optional additional warm upper
  • toque/balaclava
  • down jacket
  • 1 pair gloves with removable liners
  • 1 pair overmit shells
  • 1 pair lightweight gloves to protect hands from sun
  • optional gaiters
  • camp booties (or equivalent)

Personal Skiing Gear

  • Skiis
  • Skins
  • Poles
  • Boots + Liners + orthotics
  • Beacon spare batteries
  • Shovel
  • Probe

Personal Large bits

  • (!) Huge Pack modify lid to enable day tripping
  • Sled - see above
  • Sled towing crap - Everyone figure out own method

Personal Small bits

  • Voile Straps (4 each - two medium one large one garbage sealer)
  • Sunglasses
  • lighter lenses?
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunhat/sunshield
  • nosesheild (make own)
  • toothbrush
  • toothpaste
  • dental floss
  • TP!
  • spf30 or better Lip Balm
  • moisturizer with aloe
  • small knife, < 50g
  • lighter
  • menstrual cup for the ladies (better than disposables - if it works for you)
  • Birth control (Not required for Tim and Ben)
  • whistle
  • Compass
  • Headlamp spare batteries
  • Camera spare batteries
  • Solar panel - Ben

Personal Sleeping

  • Sleeping Pad
  • Sleeping Bag

Mountain/Glacier Gear

  • 2x 30m ropes (Ben and Tim)
  • 1 iceaxe each
  • Ski Crampons
  • Harnesses
  • 2 prussiks each
  • 2 small locking biners each
  • 1 large locking biner
  • 1 double length sling each
  • 2 non-lockers


  • Bowl/measuring cup
  • optional shaker cup
  • Spoon
  • Nalgenes
  • Water Bladder

Not bringing

  • Extra iceaxe
  • Snowsaw
  • Pickets
  • Rock Pro
  • Belay Device
  • Extra pole
  • Helmets

Ben's food

Group Dinners
1) Pad Tai (800g)

  • 500g rice noodles
  • veggies

2) Tortellini and pesto with veggies (1000g)

  • 750g cheese tortellini
  • 45g dried pesto
  • g olive oil
  • g veggies

3) Curry veggies with quinoa (800g)
4) Vegetarian stew with dumplings

    • 200g dried potatoes
    • 50g dried tomatoes
    • 30g dried onions
    • 100g bulgar wheat
    • 60g vegetable boullion
    • 60g any other dried vegetables (zucchini, bell peppers and yams are recommended)
  • Dumplings
    • 2c flour
    • 1 tbsp baking powder
    • 1/2 tsp salt
    • 3 tbsp butter
    • 1/2c hot water

5) Chili (800 g)

  • During Day food
    • Hard Parmesan Cheese 100g per day x 10 days = 1kg
    • Nut butter 100g per day X 10 days = 1kg
    • Hummus
    • Wasa Crackers (???g per day)
    • Optimum bars 1 per day (???g)= 20 bars =
    • Fruit bars 1 per day (37g) = 740g
    • Fruit leather
    • Dried fruit
    • Instant Oatmeal
    • Hot chocolate Granola
    • Chocolate (50g per day = 0.5kg/10 bars)
    • Gummies (25g per day = 500g)
    • Total (20 days) =

References Coast Range Ski Traverse:

Link to wiki page for Lillooet - Homathko Icefield Traverse April 14 - May 6 2006 Link to wiki page for Whitemantle Traverse 2008 Link to wiki page for Stikine-Iskut_2009

Smithers ski plane [2]

Bob Quinn helicopter available in May. $1500 food drop onto Stikine Iskut. [3]

Flight Information (with prices)

Iskut Stikine

Compton Clendenning

Travel options Option 2: Fly to and from Juneau with Alaska Airlines (approx. $775 inc. taxes return from Van or $536 inc. taxes return from Seattle). Flight time Van-Juneau approx 6-7 hrs including layover in Seattle (all flights to Juneau from Van go through Seattle). Baggage allowance - 1-3 bags $20 each then 4 or more bags are $50 each. Oversize bags (max dimensions exceed 62 linear inches) additional $50-$75 each. Overweight bags (exceeds 51 pounds) additional $50 each.

If flying from Seattle, $130 per month to park Evans truck at Skyway Parking close to Seattle airport.

Either fly or ferry from Skagway back to Juneau. Fly Skagway to Juneau $118 with Wings of Alaska (flights leave daily), or Air Excursions (907) 697-2375(allowed 70 pounds of luggage pp).

OR: Ferry Skagway to Juneau. Departs Skagway 7am May 20 and 21, arriving Juneau 1.30pm. $50pp

Total approx. travel cost flying Van-Juneau $1050pp with ferry Ska-Jun OR $1120pp with flying Ska-Jun


Total approx. travel cost flying Seattle-Juneau $830pp with ferry Ska-Jun OR $900 with flying Ska-Jun

Update 20110406: Alaska Airlines sale $456 Seattle-Juneau return incl. taxes, plus baggage costs