Archive:2010 Annual Beginner Friendly Skiing Debacle to Brew Hut

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Stop hand.png Old Trip
This is the sign up and organization page for an old trip. It already happened. Please do not sign up for it.


Lisa is organizing a beginner friendly skiing trip to the Brew Hut. People interested in participating should probably have some winter camping skills, have carried an over night pack and have been on backcountry skis before or be very keen/tough/willing to suffer a bit. The last point is key - if you don't mind suffering and are in reasonable shape, I'll make sure you make it to the hut.

In fact, that's the whole point. This should be a trip in the classic VOC skiing style - a bunch of keen VOCers, never having been on tele skis before, will tough their way up to the hut and discover that (despite the suffering) they really love the mountains in winter. Exchange students who've never seen snow before are ideal, and this is probably the best place to start if you want to be skiing across the Garibaldi Neve this spring (this, or one of Roland's Red Heather trips...).

Past trips of this style have taken anywhere from 4 to 17.5 hours to reach the hut (in the good old days before GPSs sometimes they didn't find the hut at all). Days are short and the snow is fluffy - so put your headlamp at the top of your pack.


The trip meeting is Wednesday November 10th, 6:00pm, in the clubroom

The trip is November 13th - 14th, 2010

All drivers should have all passengers installed and be driving over the Lions Gate Bridge at 6:00am. It is the passengers responsibility to contact the drivers. We are LEAVING Tim Hortons in Squamish at 7:30!

Equipment List

See Gear_lists#ski_hut_trip. You need this stuff to survive, really.

Note that you can borrow equipment from the club for free. Gear_rental does require a cash deposit, however.

Please consult the above links for all information regarding proper skiing clothing and gear. In winter especially, none of your clothing should be made out of cotton. Anything wool or synthetic is probably safe. Just remember, Cotton Kills.

Stuff you need from the club probably includes:

  • Skis (bindings are adjustable, ask when you pick them up, make sure they fit your boots)
  • Skins (ask the QM - they let your skis go uphill, quite necessary for this trip. Make sure they fit your skis)
  • Boots (make sure they fit your feet, and your skis)
  • Poles
  • Shovel
  • Probe
  • Avy transceiver

Sign Up

No Write.png Signup Closed
This is the sign up and organization page for an old trip. It already happened on 13-11-2010. Please do not sign up for it.

Nominal capacity is 12, and the most I've ever seem the hut hold was 16 (it was crowded). Let's try and keep enough hut space for the beginners, and those looking after them.

Signup Trip Leaders

email Lisa before adding your name to this list

  1. Lisa Pittl
  2. Roland Burton (probably on AT skis)
  3. Line
  4. Veenstra
  5. Scott MacPherson (1 season backcountry skiing@Redheather/Elfin shelters, some avi and beacon training)
  6. Laura

Signup Beginners

please indicate skill level - both skiing and avalanche

  1. Caitlin (Survival skiing and no avi skills)
  2. Mariana (downhill skiing, no idea in anything else)
  3. Paolo (downhill skiing, no avy training or telemark experience)
  4. Kathrin (some cross country, a little downhill, only once backcountry, no avi)
  5. Conrad (Willing to suffer, no avi)
  6. Dave Perez (limited telemark (went last year on VOC Elfin Hut trip), first aid training, no avi)
  7. Mel Tan
  8. Jasmin Lightbody (As above. I think I went skiing once when I was six.)
  9. Sebastian Max (downhill skiing, no avi and telemark)
  10. Douglas Schoch (downhill, some cross country, no avy)
  11. Greg Reynen (downhill skiing, no avalanche, probably a car for 3 plus gear)
  12. Riley Patterson (minimal tele with good downhill, no avy, w/sturdy tent)
  13. Mathew George (no skiing experience, willing to suffer)
  14. Charlie

Signup Waiting list

come out to the pre-trip meeting! Space often becomes available!

  1. Anna Ehret
  2. Michael Uhlmann
  3. shuvi ( have no experience on skies, but willing to suffer, and i have a car! ;-)
  4. Adam Lewis
  5. Alireza Sharif (Good downhill skier, sucks at telemark. Avalanche training)
  6. Mariya Skvortsova (downhill experience, that's it)
  7. Liz Kleynhans(no skiing experience, mega keen to try though!)
  8. Lesley Winterhalt
  9. Spencer Rasmussen (downhill)
  10. Meg Foster (downhill experience)


  • Veenstra - room for Line and 3 more
  1. Kathrin
  2. Conrad
  3. Jasmin

  • Roland Burton - UBC please
  1. Caitlin
  2. Lisa
  3. Mathew George
  4. Paolo Aranoff

  • Douglas Schoch - Room for 3 more plus skis.
  1. Dave
  2. Sebastian
  3. Mariana

  • Mel Tan - Leaving from Coquitlam.
  1. Riley Patterson
  2. Laura Morrison

  • Scott MacPherson
  1. Charlie
  2. Greg