2018 VOC Hut Registration Project

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The VOC has used it's current VOC Hut Registration Board for 13 years and has been a highly valuable space for encouraging discourse, cooperation and coordination in the backcountry. However, this board is not all that it can be or has the potential to be. This project seeks to build a new registration board. Information about the VOC's website and the VOC wiki can be found at VOCWiki:About

This page will be used for documenting the progress the project.

Team Members

Name Role
George Hill 2016-2018 Huts Coordinator
Ilya Capralov 2017-2018 VOCene Editor
Marius Muja Scrum Master
Clemens Adolphs Scrum Master
Crystal To Front End Lead
Graham Brown Back End Lead
Dmitry Narkevich Front End
Jacob Grossbard Back End
Borislav Grigorov

Project Documents

Documents for the project should be kept on the google drive which all team members have access to. Publicly releasable documents should be linked to from this section.

Links Documents Media

Project Schedule

Task Completion Goal Completion Date
Architectural Concept 2017.10.31 2017.10.30
Consultations & Feedback 2017.11.07 2017.11.06
Engineering Concept 2018.12.21
First Build Complete 2018.02.01
Second Build Complete 2018.02.01
Consultations & Feedback 2018.03.07
Third Build Complete 2018.04.01
Final Build Complete 2018.05.01


Whiteboard session: Devs met together to discuss MVP, project milestones, and data models. Meeting minutes here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pG0w2aYWe162Sau4rgOUI9AyDQhWjk5f4yveWAbcLwU/edit#).
Meeting: First group meeting with George, Ilya, Dimitry, Jacob, Graham, and Crystal. Decided to build the app in Rails. Crystal will head project management and front-end dev, Graham will head the back-end architectural design.