Members can insert new events into the calendar and signup for trips, but please read the instructions before posting.
VOC trips are organized by members like yourself, not professional guides. The trips go into wilderness areas where assistance is unavailable and unexpected events can occur. You could be seriously injured or die. You are responsible for your own actions. Please use caution.

Son of Rock 2024 · Fri. May. 10th, 2024 - Sun. May. 12th, 2024

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

  • Details Page: Where you can see brief trip details (publicly viewable).
  • This trip does not have an associated Wiki Page.
  • This trip does not have an associated Message Board Thread.
  • Signup Page: Where you can signup, bail, edit participation entries, see/email members on the trip, etc.
  • Wikitext Page: From where you can cut and paste information formatted for the wiki.
  • Printable List Page: Which generates a printable list of participants.
  • Edit Page: Where the trip organizer can edit the entry for this trip.
  • Mark Going Page: Where members of the exec and the trip organizer can sign members up as "actually going".
  • Modify Signups: Where the trip organizer can change signup classes.
Organized by: Melissa Chen.

Start: Friday, May. 10th, 6:00 pm
End: Sunday, May. 12th, 11:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting: Tuesday, May. 7th, 7:15 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: TBD


Son of Rock is the VOC's annual spring instructional rock-climbing event held in Squamish. This trip is for people who've never touched rock before, all the way up to those wanting to learn trad or multipitch.

**This trip runs rain or shine, bring your crocs or galoshes** 


FUN video from 2012 Son of Rock: 


*As of May 5, Rock 5 instructional groups are full up unfortunately*




SOR can only happen every year because of wonderfully generous human beings (like you?!) who are willing to share their time, knowledge, and expertise around climbing with their community! If you have want to instruct, please check out the instructors posting on the Trip Agenda and reach out to Sonia from there!


Perks of Instructing:

  • No fees for the trip!
  • Instructing counts as a work hike!
  • Your students think you are very cool and badass!
  • You get to share the gift of knowledge with your peers!

Itinerary: May 10-12, 2024 @Mamquam River Campground + Squamish Crags


Friday, May 10 (Optional):

-   Friday fun in the forest?

-   Overnight at Mamquam or elsewhere (up to you to organize$10/person CASH for drive-in spot 


Saturday, May 11: Full day of instruction! Groups split by ability (see below)

-       8:30 am: Everyone meets at Mamquam River Campground to collect into pre-assigned instructional groups

-       9:00 am: Leave Mamquam Parking lot in cars with people who are climbing in the same area as you

-       9:30 am: Start climbing! Lunch will be at the crag, so make sure to pack one!

-       5:00 pm: Head out from the crags to Mamquam River Campground so that people can organize themselves for dinner. We will try and do a potluck for dinner and have the VOC BBQ available for use. Otherwise, BYO (Howe Sound Brewpub, Backcountry Brewing... etc, or bring your own food). So eat, drink, and be merry!

-       Tent/car camp at Mamquam River Campground (pre-booked by the Club), included 


Sunday, May 12: Optional self-organized day; campground checkout by 10 am

          -       Volunteer opportunity TBD with SAS and/or MRAS


Cars, instructional groups, tents, etc. will be sorted out on Google Sheets which will be posted on the signup page in early May



The pre-trip meeting (May 7, 7:15 pm IRC 2) will be mandatory. There will be a cost of $15 per person as a learner to cover the cost of the campground reservation which you need to bring in cash to the pre-trip to be signed up as going. It is free for instructors.


There will be a gear hour following the pretrip


We will hopefully have enough room in instructional groups for everyone, but this isn't always possible. To increase your chances of getting a spot, sign yourself up as committed as soon as you're sure you can come (committed opens April 30th, 9 am). You will be signed up as 'going' at the pre-trip meeting the week before the trip once you have paid your $15.




1.     Camping gear: tent, mat, sleeping bag (check the message board for sharing)

2.     Food, a way to cook your food, warm clothes

3.     Helmets, harnesses, and shoes (can be borrowed from the VOC)

4.   Locking carabiner and belay device ATC/GriGri (this can be shared in pairs if you are in the intro course, Rock 1) *not available from the club*

5.     Helmets are mandatory for everyone.  

6.    Check out the Wiki page for the event for more details about logistics and the gear you will need to bring (this is from 2019, stay tuned for the updated page but most info is similar)


**You are responsible for your own FOOD and GEAR**



Climbing levels are:

1. Learn to Rock Climb: Suitable for anyone who has never climbed or who doesn't know how to belay. Here you will learn how to belay, how to make the most important knots (esp. figure eights), how to check you and your partner's knot and harness and how to climb real rock. If time permits, we can also let you rappel.

2. Learn to Build Top-Rope Anchors:  For those who know how to top-rope belay and tie in for top-rope climbing, but want to learn how to set-up their own top-rope anchors on bolts and trees. We will also teach you how to clean anchors and how to rappel from your anchors. You will learn some more knots and learn about anchor gear. If you already climbed a lot at climbing gyms, for example, then this is for you.

3. Learn to Lead Climb. Students participating in Rock 3 are expected to be proficient at top-rope belaying, at building and cleaning a top-rope anchor, and rappelling (Rock 2 or equivalent highly recommended). Rock 3 is intended to introduce students to lead climbing and lead belaying. Upon completion of Rock 3, students should have the skills necessary to go single-pitch sport climbing at Chek, Area 44 or Skaha, for example.

4. Learn to Trad Climb.  This is for people who are experienced at top-roping, setting up top-rope anchors, rappeling, lead belaying (and preferably know how to lead single-pitch sport) and want to learn how to place traditional lead protection properly or how to safely switch leads and set up anchors on a multipitch route.

5. Introduction to Multipitch Climbing (Tentative). This is for people that have all the skills listed as requirements for Rock 4 and want to learn how to safety switch leads, set up anchors, place gear and communicate while multipitch climbing. This will also include learning a variety of useful knots and a whole plethora of other things.  


Other important things:

If you have any questions please post them on the VOC Discord climbing channel (there will be a thread closer to the date).

Warning: most of the instructors are not real rock climbing instructors; they are just people who think they know how to climb and how to use ropes, slings and shiny climbing gear. Climbing is also dangerous.


Posted: 2024-03-27 18:17:46
Last modified: 2024-05-05 21:33:37