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600 Year-Old Tree and Probably Old Waterfall (Kennedy Falls) in North Van · Saturday, May 11th, 2024

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Start: Saturday, May. 11th


Want a fairly straightforward day hike where you get to see a giant 600 year old Cedar and a probably pretty old waterfall that is public transit accessible? This hike might just be for you! There's also apparently some old abandoned logging equipment. Cool. 

I should disclaim I have never been on this hike so don't really know what we are getting into but according to AllTrails...

- This is located in Lynn Headwaters Regional Park. 

- Takes ~4-5 hours despite only being a 10km round trip. 

- This is because its fairly challenging. Not so much because of inclines, but because it is not maintained much, and therefore can get a bit muddy and has a few creek crossings that involve stepping from rock to rock, fallen trees, general ruggedness. 

- Closest parking lot apparently only allows parking for three hours which is too short so recommend taking transit. Closest bus stop is NB Mountain Highway @ Coleman street. Maybe 20 mins or so away from trailhead. 

So yeah, plan would be, meet at the aforementioned NB Mountain Highway @ Coleman street bus stop 10am, eat lunch on the trail somewhere, maybe the falls, maybe earlier if people are hungry and see some trees.

Grizzlies are apparently quite rare but I'll have bear spray just in case, also have an offline map. 

Unfortunately, my Sunday is already booked, so unless its absolutely pouring (In which case I'll cancel/hand the trip over to someone else), I'm probably going to do it May 11th. If enough people are open to it and weather better earlier in week, I can pre-pone it to Friday, May 10th. If it is raining lightly, I'll still go, but I suspect it'll be a lot more slippy and difficult. We'd be careful though and still have fun.

I'm probably not going to have a pre-trip meeting unless a lot of people have questions. I have never posted a trip here before so not entirely sure how this works, but just send me a text at 506-639-5352 (Canadian number) or [email protected] if you want me to add you to the Whatsapp group. See you there! 


More info:


Note: I also have a UBC friend who is not a VOC members that is committed to going on this hike! Their name won't show up in signup though since not a member.

Posted: 2024-04-25 22:10:03
Last modified: 2024-05-10 18:17:46