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Intro to Multi - Pitch · Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Sam Viavant.

Start: Wednesday, May. 1st, 6:15 pm


A "pitch" of climbing is a single section of a wall.  A "multi-pitch" climb is a climb that is big enough to require multiple pitches: someone climbs part way up the cliff, and then brings the second climber up to their level, and then re-starts climbing again from the higher level.

On Wednesday, May 1st, I'm doing a multi-pitch skills course on the stairs leading down to one of the beaches at UBC.  We'll practice building anchors, belaying, rope-management, and communication.  Bring a harness, a rope, a belay devide, and any anchor material you have. 

Because we won't actually be climbing in a way that requires safety skills, anyone is welcome, even someone who has never climbed.  That said, people who have done single-pitch climbing may have an easier time learning.  There's no pre-trip--just come to the top of the stairs of Trail #3, the stairs leading to Tower Beach, at 6:15pm. 

Cheers and see you then!


Posted: 2024-04-10 11:52:24
Last modified: 2024-04-21 08:34:54