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VOC does a Backyard Ultra (Beginner friendly!) · Saturday, August 3rd, 2024

  • Details Page: Where you can see brief trip details (publicly viewable).
  • This trip does not have an associated Wiki Page.
  • This trip does not have an associated Message Board Thread.
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  • Wikitext Page: From where you can cut and paste information formatted for the wiki.
  • Printable List Page: Which generates a printable list of participants.
  • Edit Page: Where the trip organizer can edit the entry for this trip.
  • Mark Going Page: Where the trip organizer can sign members up as "actually going".
  • Modify Signups: Where the trip organizer can change signup classes.
Organized by: Aidan Perkins.

Start: Saturday, Aug. 3rd


*August 3rd is just a place holder, but will be sometime in August

After being inspired by Noah MacDonald's PSP ultramarathon trip I have decided to host a new variation of this trip in the form of a backyard ultra. What is a backyard ultra? A backyard ultra is an event where every hour on the hour runners set out on a 4.1 - 4.2 mile course. You are removed from the race if you fail to complete the lap within an hour or do not start the race on time (no late starts). This event will go on until only one person has completed a lap, or we all get tired and want to go home. While it is called an ultra there is zero pressure to run an ultra distance, run for as many laps as you want or just come watch! 

If you have any question let me know :)

Posted: 2024-04-10 11:22:32
Last modified: 2024-04-11 10:44:11