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Unofficial Glacier School · Sat. May. 4th, 2024 - Sun. May. 5th, 2024

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Jeff Mottershead.

Start: Saturday, May. 4th, 5:00 am
End: Sunday, May. 5th, 9:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting: Monday, Apr. 29th, 6:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: TBD


I've instructed as part of the VOC's official glacier school a few times, and ran my own one last fall. I think that's better, since it's organizationally a little easier, and it lets more people get glacier trained.

I'm going to make a scouting trip before settling on a location. We'll need somewhere that has cravasses available, that's not too far to drive or too far to ski up--somewhere up the Sea-to-Sky, in the Whistler to Pemberton area.

Because this is a spring trip to the glacier, there will be lots of snow, so participants will need to be functional on backcountry skis. No one needs to be particularly good, but they'll have had to have done it before, since doing all the glacier stuff is a full weekend, and trying to also make it a ski instruction weekend isn't going to work.

In order to be able to make the most out of the time on the glacier, we'll need to spend a day doing dry-school stuff. Learing the knots, prussiking up a swingset, setting up a 3:1 pulley, building anchors, etc. The VOC's dry school typically goes about four hours, and it's pretty rushed. The trip planning tool doesn't let me put in a dry school, but it does let me put in a pre-trip meeting, which I've got set for the preceeding Monday.

Dry school is hands-on, going up the rope and hauling up a person, so it's in-person and manditory.

We'll be camping on a glacier, that we ski up to, and doing the glacier stuff. You'll need:

A tent, or a spot in someone else's

A way to cook and melt snow.

Warm sleeping bag, mat and clothes

Backcountry ski stuff (AT skis and boots, skins, poles)

Avalanche kit (probe, shovel transciever)

Harness, 3 locking biners minimum, prussik cords

Ice axe


Sunglasses, lots of sunscreen

Posted: 2024-04-07 18:48:36
Last modified: 2024-04-17 23:36:34