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Something (Washington?)-Volcanic During Finals Season · Sun. Apr. 7th, 2024 - Wed. May. 1st, 2024

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning: This is a tentative trip : Weather and finals and life!

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Organized by: Allen Zhao.

Start: Sunday, Apr. 7th
End: Wednesday, May. 1st
Pre-trip meeting location: TBD


I'm headed out to Europe this summer for several months, and before I go I'd love to take one last crack at a big mountain before I fly out in early May.

This is quite early to be mountaineering, so our choices are quite limited... I'm currently considering either St. Helens via Worm Flows as a day trip, or the South Spur on Adams as a long long overnight slog. Helens would be the much easier (and more skiiable) (and probably more enjoyable) of the two, but either way expect to be doing a very large day on skis and crampon-bootpacking (at the minimum 20 km, 1700m of gain on St. Helens, ~45km 3000m of gain on Adams at worst depending on how much snow there is to the trailhead). Expect to be snow-camping, either at the trailhead with St. Helens, or in the alpine after a long day on Adams.

You should have experience with very long ski pushes in a day, as well as ideally some experience with crampon and ice axe travel (G1 is ideal). Neither route is super technical or glaciated, although we will definitely be passing through avalanche terrain - have your AST. For Adams, it would also be great if you have some idea of how you do at high altitudes - the summit tops out at a whopping 3743m... You should also be comfortable skiing a black diamond with a pack on.


Given the chaos of exams, I'm hoping to gather a group of interested people before making a final decision on the mountain and dates. The rough window is currently looking like anywhere from the week of the LDOC to the first half-week of May. As per any winter trip, things will be highly avalanche and weather-dependent. Fingers crossed...

Rough routes:

Adams + slog to trailhead:

St. Helens (one-way):


Winter on Mt Adams — Steider Studios

Stoke enhancer

Posted: 2024-03-18 16:02:40