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Cocaine Friday · Friday, March 22nd, 2024

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Duncan MacIntyre.

Start: Friday, Mar. 22nd, 5:30 pm


Someone once told me that the dopamine rush due to cold water swimming is matched in size only by the dopamine rush that one gets from cocaine. Lacking experience in one of these activities, I cannot attest whether this strange rumour is true. What I do know is that swimming in the ocean feels great.

This trip (?) will consist of three parts: run, swim, and sweat. First, let's go for a 25 minute jog around campus to get the blood flowing (in the unlikely event that it was not already). Then we'lll swim in the ocean. Finally we will achieve supreme chill inside UBC's own sauna (at the Aquatic Centre).

When? Friday, March 22 at 5:30 pm. Where? Meet at the Jenga Art thingy located at University Blvd and Main Mall. What? Bring a toque and warm clothing and your student card, which admits you into the Aquatic Centre for free. How? You don't have to sign up. Just show up! (I'll leave the "sign up as interested" open so you can express interest and receive email updates if there are changes.) Also, if you want to run but not swim, or swim but not run, that's cool too.

And please note: particpants are requested to diligently avoid bringing cocaine or any other drugs and should take strict care not to be under their influence.


Posted: 2024-02-29 21:12:46