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Big Cedar Trail Run · Thursday, June 10th, 2021

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Kaylie Robinson.

Start: Thursday, Jun. 10th, 5:30 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: I'll send out an email to everyone interested a few days ahead of time


I need some accountability to get out on some trail runs so let's go see big trees and waterfalls on a post-work run to Kennedy Falls along the big cedar trail.

This will be about 12km and 500m elevation (the all trails link is here;

I'm not that fast of a runner and I plan on it being pretty relaxed (slow pace ft. semi-frequent butt breaks), we'll go as slow as the slowest runner. This is more about getting out and having a fun after work excursion than getting a new PB. Trail running experience isn't really necessary, but please at least be comfortable road running that distance if you've not trail run before. I anticipate this taking about 2-2.5 hours so be prepared to be out for that long.

We'll start from the Fromme mountain biking parking lot (here; which is transit accessible to the bottom of the hill on mountain highway.

You'll need:


-trail running shoes

-fuel (snacks or gels or chews or whatever you like)

-an extra layer


-basic first aid stuff

-a small pack that is comfortable to run with (or a running vest if you're fancy)

I've put 5:30 to meet at the trailhead, if anyone would like to come but the time doesn't work, let me know and we can try to find a time that will work for everyone interested!

I also have a golden retriever, Buddy, who I intend on bringing with me if everyone is okay with that. He tries his best to be a good boy and is a 10/10 on fluffiness and friendliness. 

Posted: 2021-05-31 11:55:47