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Rascal of Rock 2: Round 2 (electric boogaloo?) · Saturday, March 21st, 2020

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled

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Organized by: Roan Raina.

Start: Saturday, Mar. 21st, 4:00 pm


Cancelled due to COVID-19...


March 14, 2020




Not everyone who 'committed' to the last one is going to be able to come... I'm considering running another one... People who commited to the last one but couldnt make it will have priority. 


-----copied from Rascal of Rock 2-----


Hey! Climbing season is approaching quickly and I though some people might want to learn (or brush up on) some anchor skills before the season “officially” starts. 


If there is enough interest (more than 2 people) I would be happy to do some instructing. 


The plan would be to hangout in the Aviary on Saturday at 4pm and go through most of the Rock 2 curriculum and get a bit of practice in. 


We can’t rappel in the aviary because of insurance stuff but we can build anchors and practice with our feet on the ground. 


Max group size will be 5 people.  For those that make the cut, I’ll send more details (gear and non-mandatory videos) closer to the date.


As a disclaimer, I am not a guide or professional in any way. I’ve just built a good number of anchors and would be happy passing on what I know.


Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions. 


From the Rock 2 curriculum

Objectives and overview:
Rock 2 is intended to prepare students to go top-roping without the assistance of a more experienced climber in areas where there are bolts or trees (or other fixed protection) to use as top-rope anchors. Students are expected to already know how to top-rope belay while standing at the base of a climb. This workshop should continue to develop good belaying technique as well as teach techniques for belaying on routes that require a rappel-in and lack a proper belay stance at the base of the route (i.e. belaying from the top). Though rappelling is introduced in Rock 1, students are not expected to know how to rappel to partake in Rock 2. Rappelling will be practiced again in Rock 2. Upon completion, the hope is that students can borrow a rope from the VOC, and with a few slings and locking carabiners, can be self-sufficient on a trip to Lighthouse Park or the Smoke Bluffs.



Also thoughts on memes in trip descriptions?

Posted: 2020-02-27 00:44:34
Last modified: 2020-03-14 15:35:36