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[Slideshow] Destruction and Life in a Harsh Environnment · Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Natalie Maslowski.

Start: Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 6:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Club room


Sorry That the slideshow has been delayed! I am too busy in the next few weeks to run this.***

Ever Wonder how Forests regenerate from Forest fire ? 

Ever Wonder how forests change and grow and just who is hanging out in the soil when succession takes place?

Want to see some beautiful photos of the North Cascades and want to feel inspired by the beauty and magnificance of mountains and trees and alpine flowers?

Are you a botany/ecology nerd?


Then Come to this Slideshow! This is a slideshow presenting my research this past summer in the North Cascades studying the regrowth of forests and various plant species post-fire. Come learn about some cool fire adapted species and learn about what happens after a fire ? Or even learn about what research is like in the alpine.

I will need an audience to use as guinea pigs for a seminar I am presenting, so come and listen and bring fun drinks and lets chat and look at cool photos. 

Cookies will be provided.




Posted: 2019-09-13 15:02:15
Last modified: 2019-11-04 23:12:08