Archive:Exec nominations 2015

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The VOC needs a new Executive for 2015/2016!

Elections will take place at the Annual Banquet on March 25th, 2015. You can nominate yourself, or someone you think would do a good job. Executives must be an AMS member (ie. a student) next year. President and Treasurer must have been on the exec previously. It is fine to write a person down for more than one position, but at the end of the day you can only actually do one.

More information about the various positions: Executive Positions


  • Co-ordinates everything and keeps the exec running smoothly. Must have been on the exec previously.
  1. Artem Babaian (wins unanimously)


  • Handles the cash and keeps the AMS happy. Must have been on the exec previously.
  1. Caitlin Schneider


  • Organizes social events (especially Longhike)
  1. Krista Cawley (if she's keen)


  • Takes minutes at meetings, could help writing grant applications
  1. Liz

Membership Chair

  • Gets new members, and handles clubs days in September
  1. Katie Cullen

Centennial Tzar

  • Organize the 100-year (2017) VOC anniversary celebrations. Get Creative! Commitment through 2017 is ideal, open to non-students
  1. Christian Veenstra

VOCene and Webpage Editor

  • Puts out the VOCene and maintains the wiki page
  1. Andy Cavers
  2. Ilia Capralov

Trips Coordinator

  • Encourages people to lead trips.
  1. Zack Wentz


  • Maintain the gear stash and run gear hours. Note that we need five quartermasters.
  1. Tianna Sturdy
  2. Carly Peterson
  3. Gabe Frame
  4. Nick Hindley
  5. Sebastian Prass

Journal Editor

  • Tackles the monumental task of producing a 300 page book in about 1.5 months
  1. Koby Michaels
  2. Caitlin (Advertising)

Public Relations

  • Organizes slideshows and books rooms on campus
  1. Cora Skaien


  • Maintains library and archives collections. Buys new books for the clubroom.
  1. Anna Geller


  • Representative liaison to outside clubs and organizations.
  1. Elsa ...

Huts Coordinator

  • Oversees huts maintenance.
  1. Cassandra Elphinstone (not here June-Aug but keen to apply for grants, fix equipment, etc. during rest of year)

Trails Coordinator

  • Oversees trail work.
  1. Matt Kennedy (Winter), Lianne(?), Caroline

Climbing Wall coordinator

  • Keeps the climbing wall going. Note that we are getting a new climbing wall in April.
  1. Corey Kelly

Swag Master

  • Oversees gear purchases for the club and members, negotiates good deals
  1. Fangwen Zhao

Awards Nominations!!